Most men try to get rid of their tie at the end of the day as quickly as possible. The one’s who do not know how to tie a tie, sometimes leave their knot in the tie, but that’s bad for the tie and will shorten its life. On top of that, different collars require different knot and, therefore, you should always re-tie your tie knot every time you wear it. While the majority of necktie wearers simply pulls out the shorter end of the knot, here is the proper way to untie and take-off your tie.
In this video, I’m going to show you how to properly untie your tie knot.
The reason you want to untie your tie this way is because it protects the integrity of the thread that keeps the tie together and that way, you are able to enjoy your tie for much longer. First, you want to loosen your tie knot by gently pulling side to side, back and forth. You’ll see that way, your back end will come out. The wrong way to untie your tie knot is to simply pull out the back end of your tie because it puts a lot of strain on your thread, and your tie is much more likely to rip. If it doesn’t rip today, it will in the future, trust me.
The right way to untie a tie is to reverse the process the way you tied it. So, you loosen your knot and you pull out the short end gently but then you want to pull out the long end first, you gently do that with your thumb. Once you got it out, it goes back through here and now, you gently loosen the whole thing with your fingers. Once you’re at that point, you can open your top button, and you simply and gently pull out your tie. If you have worn your tie all day, chances are there a few wrinkles but if the tie has a good interlining, you will get the wrinkle out by simply rolling it up. In order to do that, you take your tie, take it in half and then you roll it around your finger like this. Voila! That’s the way you leave your tie for about a day, and once that’s done, what you should do with a regular tie is simply hang it up, just like the ties here in the background.
If you enjoyed this video, make sure to check out our other channel videos about ties, bow ties and all things men’s style and most importantly, make sure to sign up to our newsletter or subscribe to our channel on YouTube, and you will never miss a video again and thank you for watching.
For videos about how to tie a tie with different knots, from the the Four-In-Hand to the Windsor how to get a dimple in your tie every time and more, take a look here.
Thanks, for all your wonderful videos and information. my ties were being tortured, now I remove them with civility and respect. I wait with anticipation for all your posts. great job.
Such a simple and effective video. I sell men’s suits and ties and spend quite a bit of time educating customers about what should and shouldn’t be done sartorially. This technique shall be added to my repertoire. Thank you. Noreh
Very good, useful, video. One step I would add is to always remember to remove the back end from the keeper, if used, before pulling the front end back through the knot. I have forgotten this before and caused irreparable damage.
I have a Charvet tie that has a crease too close to the tip to fall out when rolled or with the weight of the interlining. Any other suggestions for removing these wrinkles?
Great information I never realize the harm that could be done hen you improperly untie your necktie thanks so very much for the insight am one who is indeed guilty of simply just pulling and tugging to untie my ties wonderful advice on how to release the wrinkles again thanks so much!