Fur Coats For Men

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After we discussed overcoats, hats and their importance in the cold, I would like to focus on a sight that’s even more rare than seeing a vintage hat – men’s fur coats.

Fur Coats - USA 1920s
Fur Coats – USA 1920s

Some of you may wonder why I would talk about a garment that is now often associated with less-than-legit professions or men who lack good taste, but hold on. Throughout the decades, the fur coat has always been a staple in the closets of the best dressed gents. While fur coats for men were certainly around in the 1900s, the fashion probably peaked in popularity in the 1920’s and early 1930’s, before it was revived in the 1950s and 1970s. In the 1990s, anti-fur activists made their mark and considerably fewer women wore fur coats; men, it appears, acquiesced entirely. Just recently, while spending spend some time in NYC and Chicago, I was pleasantly surprised to see quite a few women on the streets with fur coats – but sadly, no men.

History of Men’s Fur Coats

Rudolph Valentino in Fur Coat
Rudolph Valentino in Fur Coat

In the 1920’s, every man who could afford a fur coat probably had one. It was symbol of status that allowed its wearer to advertise his wealth and social position. For example, the famous silent film actor Rudolph Valentino was rarely seen without some kind of fur in the winter.

As I mentioned in the Polo Coat article, fur coats were really popular with students and spectators of football games until about 1929; the dark brown raccoon overcoat  was a particular favorite. The camel hair coatbecame increasingly popular in the US between 1929 and 1935, after which the fur coat celebrated a comeback.

Chalky White In Red Overcoat With Astrakhan Collar
Chalky White In Red Overcoat With Astrakhan Collar

In 1935, the leading men’s fashion magazine Men’s Wear reported: “The raccoon coat is back in fashion. More were seen at the climax football games in the East this season than at any time in the past ten years. The best style, worn by undergraduates and alumni alike, is very dark in color, has a shawl collar and usually hefty leather buttons”. At the same time, fur coats remained popular in Europe. There, every respectable man would own at least three coats! Analog to the overcoat fashion, there was a city fur coat which was comparable in formality to the Chesterfield, a black evening fur coat and a casual fur coat for sporting events. Of course, there were significant  differences in the origin and quality of fur: while beaver and raccoon remained affordable, sable was reserved for only very affluent gentlemen and there were even a number of different astrakhan(black curly lamb) collar qualities.

Men's Fur Coat
Men’s Fur Coat

The depression, as well as World War II, caused a decline in demand for men’s fur which did not recover until the last half of the 1950s, when renewed economic prosperity brought fur back into the reach of the American middle class.

In the following years, the Peacock revolution helped to popularize fur again for men, although some creations were more gaudy than classy – just think of a white mink fur coat, for example.

By 1970, a public awareness of fur had evolved, and many questioned the necessity of fur garments, especially when certain animals were brought near extinction or were treated cruelly at fur farms. Consequently, fake fur was advertised more heavily.

Today, real men’s fur garments are difficult to find, and are mostly limited to parts of Northern America, Russia and a few cities around the world.

Double Breasted Men's Fur Coat 1928
Double Breasted Men’s Fur Coat 1928

Fur Coats For Men

Basically, there are three kinds of fur coats for men:

  • The long overcoat with fur on the outside
  • The lined fur coat with or without a fur collar
  • The fur collar
Beaver Fur Coat
Beaver Fur Coat

All-Fur Coats

These coats are made of raccoon, beaver, nutria, sable, etc., and are ideal for regular wear when it is cold outside. Personally, I would not want to wear fur unless it is 23°F (-5°C) or below outside, because they tend to wear much warmer than a wool overcoat. Typically, all-fur men’s coats are substantial, and make the wearer look a much more imposing. Indeed, some men may not like the bulky proportions that come with wearing a full fur coat – they look a bit distorted to an eye accustomed only to slim coats. Traditionally, the coats are cut a little wider and often times look like an Ulster overcoat. Depending on the skill of the furrier, a coat can look like it was made of one piece, although by necessity it contains numerous pieces of fur. Also, the quality of the fur depends on when it was harvested: winter furs are always preferable to summer furs, because they contain underhair that is thicker, softer, and consequently better insulating. Unlike regular cloth overcoats, you really must assure that a fur coat fits precisely, because alterations are costly and limited in scope.

Beaver Fur Detail
Beaver Fur Detail

For instance, a fur coat can only be taken in; extra fur is almost never left in a hem. Interestingly, early double breasted fur coats often had a little button loop instead of a buttonhole but today, buttonhole (backed with leather) are the standard.

Some people may find it simply inappropriate to wear a full fur coat nowadays, but personally, I really do like my vintage dark brown beaver fur coat. Originally, it came from a Levy & Co. in Berlin, which was a furrier just for men! Unfortunately, the owner Wolfgang Levy is now retired and the business has been discontinued.

Fur Linings

Fur Lined Men's Overcoat
Fur Lined Men’s Overcoat

If you do not like the look of an all fur coat, you may want to consider a fur lining. This way, you combine the warmth and softness of fur with the understated appearance of a classic wool overcoat. Most of the time, fur linings are either shaved – meaning the hair is cut to a certain length – or plucked. A plucked fur is certainly much softer because the coarse, longer guard hair has been removed, leaving you with only the extremely soft under hair. Ideally, these linings are removable – either with a zipper or simply buttons, so you can wear the same overcoat on warmer and colder days. Traditionally, even fur lined coats had a round shawl collar made out of a different fur than the lining. However, if that is too much for you, simply skip it.

Fur Collars

Fur Collar
Fur Collar

If you prefer only a touch of fur, or you are primarily interested in the looks and not the insulating properties, a fur collar is the way to go. For example, the Casentino overcoat has just a fur collar, whereas others may have a shawl collar. Although it is just a little piece of fur, you will definitely feel warmer with it on.

Fur collars are also a great option to change the look of your existing topcoat. Vintage fur collars can often be bought very reasonably priced, from $20 or less for a simple loose raccoon collar up to $250 for a more auspicious fur collar. To get the best selection of collars, shop at vintage stores; you’ll often find great collars on ugly coats that can easily be detached at home. Every alterations tailor should be able to add it to your coat. In case it ever wears out or your just do not like it anymore, you can just rip it off and nobody can ever tell that you have a fur collar sewn on before.

In case you want to learn more about fur, read our guide about buying and caring for fur. In the meantime, what do you think about fur coats for men? Would you wear one?

Reader Comments

  1. Du freust dich wieder Frauen mit Pelzen zu sehen?
    Ich hoffe sehr, dass der Artikel als Satire gemeint war.
    Dann ist’s fast so was wie lustig. Die Vorstellung keinen Gedanken an die mรถrderische Entstehung dieses Modestรผcks zu verschwenden und es super zu finden, dass sich ein paar gewissenlose reiche Menschen mit einem Statement ร  la “Ist mir doch Wurst” kleiden, ja, das wรคre wirklich absurd.

    1. Verehrte Frau Maurer,
      ich bin wirklich enttรคuscht, solch einen Kommentar auf dieser Seite lesen zu mรผssen. Sie beweisen damit leider wieder nur allzu gut, wie stil- und vor allem geschmacklos das deutsche Volk im Allgemeinen und Sie im Besonderen sind.

      Dear Mrs Maurer,
      I am really dissappointed to read such a disgusting comment on this site. By that, you are only proving once more, how style- and tasteless the German People in general and you especially are.

      1. I guess, many Germans consider fur to be a luxury good derived from little animals that are held under poor conditions and killed simply for their fur.
        However, they forget that there are countrieslike the USA where you can find many beavers in nature. In fact, there are so many of beavers in Minnesota, that 20,000 to 30,000 of them have to be harvested each year.
        However, we will talk about the sustainability in an entire article, so stay tuned.

  2. By the way I must admit, that your fur coat looks great and that you have succeeded in awaking the wish to own such a splendid piece of art aswell.

    1. I am glad, it really keeps you warm and since many people fear fur in Germany, you should be able to find one very easily.

  3. My dad gave me his felt-like coat which has a fur collar. I’ll have to take a picture of it. It was made for him in Iran when he was my age.

  4. I’m glad you have talked about this fine item of attire – thank you. I must say, however, that even overcoats with fur collars are quite hard to mid in North America at the present time, at least in a suitable style.

  5. Lovely article. I love wearing fur and have done so since my early teens.

    Great to hear from another male fur wearer – there doesn’t seem to be many of us. I live in London, UK, and nowadays I see very few women wearing real fur; still far fewer men who wear real fur like myself. There seems to have been a slight resurgence of women wearing fur in the past year, but not men. Fur is seen as being too effeminate for men to wear, I think. I work in central London, and even on our coldest winter days (of which we’ve had many over the past few years) the only men I see wearing real fur (apart from myself) are tourists! I try to make a point of speaking to them and complimenting them on their coat, if appropriate.

    I wear almost exclusively vintage fur coats. I prefer sheared lamb / mouton (called ‘beaver lamb’ here in the UK) and currently own a dozen of these, two of which have opossum collars. I also have a beautiful calf-length raccoon coat, an unsheared beaver coat, a musquash coat, a musquash jacket, a mink jacket and a cashmere overcoat with mink collar and cuffs. I also have a sheared beaver scarf, a mouton scarf and several mouton hats in various styles.

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