As a discerning gentleman would know, other than thoughtfully assembling a stylish look, one’s EDC or everyday carry is tantamount to keeping you prepared and helping you tackle activities throughout the day. Today, we share items we keep in our EDC, so you might pick up a thing or two to add to your arsenal as well.
Video Transcript [Lightly Edited for Clarity]:
Sven Raphael Schneider: Welcome back to the Gentleman’s Gazette. In today’s video, we will reveal the EDC or “everyday carry” our four on-camera personalities carry with them every day. Now, we talk about what we got in their pockets and we talk about what we carry with us on our person.
Now, that being said, this is entirely not sponsored. This is truly what we have and what we bought with our own money.
Raphael’s Everyday Carry
In-Pocket Items
Sven Raphael Schneider: So, what do I carry in my pockets? Actually, it’s very little. Probably the thing I carry most is my phone. It is currently a Pixel 5. I’ve had Pixel phones for quite a while. I like the untarnished Android experience without any bloatware or anything. I always liked the camera that they offered.
I thought it took good pictures and it served me well. And, you know, having an online business, a lot of stuff happens online, so it’s good to have my apps, have things like Google Authenticator, or just figure things out when I have to.
The other thing I carry when I go outside of the house in my pocket is a wallet. This is a wallet, even though it says Fort Belvedere, it’s not something you’ll find in our shop. Why not? Well, this is actually the very first prototype that we made and I’m still carrying it around with me just to see how long it’ll actually last. So, I think we’re going on like eight years. I think we first did this in 2013 or 2014. So, pretty cool.
Our other wallets here in the shop, you can see they’re ever so slightly taller and they have different color combinations. They’re more refined in calfskin or deerskin and, yeah, you can check them out in our shop here.
Now, if I have to take the car – which isn’t too often because our office is within walking distance – but when I drop off my daughter at school, I’ll have my car key, and that’s about it.
I do not have a pocket knife. I do not wear a wristwatch. I’m not really a watch guy. So, that’s not something I wear typically, and that is my in-pocket EDC. Quite limited.
On Person Items
Sven Raphael Schneider: Now, on my person, it depends a little bit, right? So, during the winter, for example, I wear gloves a lot. So, I have a large glove selection, you know, of Fort Belvedere and other older gloves that I collected. So, there’s lined gloves, you know, unlined gloves in suede, peccary gloves, or, you know, touch screen gloves.
During the warmer months of the year, I wear sunglasses. I have a selection of them – classic styles.
And then, otherwise, if I, let’s say, have a shirt with cufflinks – today I don’t – I have my cufflink collection. These are Fort Belvedere ones or others.
I typically wear a pinky ring, just because I enjoy it. I don’t always wear a tie. If I do, a tie or bow tie. And if I do, then, typically have a pocket square on. I like to wear cardigans.
When I’m at home, I typically wear some, you know, Albert slippers. You can see they’re well-worn and loved. It’s wearing out here. But, yeah, I like it. I like the leather lining. I don’t like the polyester padded lining. I feel like that makes my feet sweat, and it’s not something I appreciate.
I typically bring along a charger when I travel. I usually have a travel bag. And then, I have stuff like, you know, charger for a computer or I have like a travel manicure kit that I bring with me just so I have it.
Learn more about what’s inside a typical travel bag of Raphael!
When I travel, especially by air, and I have to sit for a little while, bring these like — These are basically shots of like Lovenox. This is the German version. But, I had blood clots some few years ago. Another one recently. So, I want to keep my blood thin when I travel and an aspirin is just not gonna cut it. So, I just take that preventively.
Other than that, I think, in the winter, maybe I wear a scarf, maybe a hat. But, that’s about it. So, with that being said, I’ll pass it on to Preston.
Preston’s Everyday Carry
In-Pocket Items
Preston Schlueter: As you can see here, what I keep in my pockets is fairly minimal overall and also pretty straightforward.
In my left-hand pocket, I typically keep a pocket handkerchief and my wallet and, in my right-hand pocket, I keep my cell phone and a pocket comb.
Starting, specifically, with my wallet here, I can get into the inside. I typically just keep one debit card and a health insurance card as well on the one side. And, on the other side, I typically keep my driver’s license, which, of course, also functions as an ID, and then, in the center, just a little bit of cash usually because you never know when you’re going to need it.
I keep a few business cards in one pocket here. These, by the way, are double-sided. I’ve got Gentleman’s Gazette on one side and my career as a jazz vocalist is represented on the other side. So, those go in one side pocket. And, in the other side pocket, this is typically where I’ll keep receipts if I happen to get any while I’m out and about.
The pocket handkerchief is fairly straightforward. I use this for all different kinds of purposes, whether I need to wipe my brow or kind of pat myself off under the studio lights when I’m filming videos here. I also use this to clean my glasses.
As for the other pocket, we’ve got the pocket comb here because, of course, you never know when you’re going to need a hairstyle touch-up. So, I like to have this on hand just in case.
And, of course, I carry my cell phone. That’s fairly straightforward as well. Where would we all be these days without the little supercomputers in our pockets? So, I use this for wayfinding or working on various correspondence, responding to emails, doing other Gentleman’s Gazette-related tasks.
I’ve had my present set up of these four basic items for about eight to ten years now.
On Person Items
Preston Schlueter: As for what I carry elsewhere on my person on an everyday basis, that would include my glasses, my wedding ring, my keys, and a hat.
Obviously, I need my glasses to see. I’m nearsighted and I also have astigmatism and a lazy eye. So, I’ve been wearing glasses pretty regularly since I was three years old. I’ve also favored transition lenses for many years now. So, I never have to worry about carrying separate sunglasses and, whenever I’m outside, the lenses will obviously just change, which makes it easier to see even when it’s bright and sunny out.
My current pair of glasses, which I’ve had for about a year now at this point, is from ProDesign Denmark; specifically, it’s the model 4770 in tortoiseshell.
Next up, of course, would be my wedding ring, and this is something that I have worn proudly since getting married in June of 2020. And because there is a significant variance in width between my knuckles and the bones of my hand here, I actually choose, at least at this point in time, to wear a silicone ring.
The particular ring that I wear, even though it is silicone, is from a company called Enso and there are precious metals infused into the silicone, so it does, at least, have a little bit of a luster. Also, I’ve picked a neutral shade here, so that it doesn’t directly or forcefully clash with any of the other metals I might choose to wear in my other accessories like cufflinks or tie jewelry or what have you.
What I also carry with me, pretty much every day would be my set of keys. These would include a car key and then, I’ve got various keys here for my apartment, my mailbox, and other building keys. And then, the strap or lanyard that is on these keys was gifted to me by a relative in-law from Guatemala. So, that is what you are seeing here. And this I can occasionally unsnap and keep on my belt loop or keep in a variety of other places.
I’ve included hats in my rundown today, too, even though they could also be considered clothing or accessories because I am very consistent with my hat-wearing. It’s not an overstatement to say that I am almost never outside without a hat on. I have straw models for summer and wool models for winter – all of which you’ve seen on the channel in various videos and in various forms. And, basically, if I can feel the wind in my hair while I’m outside, that’s a sign that something is wrong because I really should have a hat on.
Back in my school days, I also used to carry a pencil with me in my breast pocket every single day and, in fact, it’s actually something of a point of pride for me that I was able to carry one single mechanical pencil for over five years without losing it, and this is actually that mechanical pencil, which I still have.
At various points in the past, I also have worn a watch every day. My most frequent model of wear is an unglamorous, but definitely dependable Timex watch. You have seen it on the channel, at least, once before, if not more times. But, a few years back, the strap that was on the watch wore out, and I just haven’t gotten around to having it replaced yet. And, as a result of that, I’ve basically stopped wearing a watch every day.
Now that Nathan has joined our team, though, and he’s quite a big fan of watches, he may inspire me to add more watches to my collection, at which point, who knows, I might start wearing watches on an everyday basis again.
But, stay tuned to see what happens there. Okay, well, those are my selections for everyday carry. So, next up, let’s throw it over to Kyle.
Kyle’s Everyday Carry
In-Pocket Items
Kyle Thibodeaux: All right, so what I carry in my pockets every day here. So, here’s a couple of things I like to carry around. My Chapstick – I keep that on me pretty often. My phone. My AirPods. And it’s usually some kind of a watch. I’ll wear it on my person.
So, today, I’m wearing my metallic watch. I picked it up from Hugo Boss. Other times, more often, it’s usually gonna be my Apple Watch. It’s because it syncs with my phone.
I carry these items with me because I don’t like drying, cracked lips, right? So, that hurts. I want to avoid that as much as possible. Hence, the Chapstick is always around, either in my pocket or in my car. So, it’s easily accessible.
My phone, like most people, we realize it’s connected to everything, right? It’s got the internet, my music, email, connection to all sorts of information. That’s always on me all the time, so it’s almost like a third arm.
Let’s see here. My AirPods. I’ve actually got my AirPod Pros with me today. Got a little cover on them. A little bit different. A little easier to carry with a little hook on here. But, I enjoy them because the case charges the pods themselves, there’s good battery life, and the actual devices themselves can be used individually or together.
And I really enjoy the noise-canceling feature. Sometimes you, especially on an airplane or something, don’t want to have to hear all the background noise. It’s nice to be able to tune that out and enjoy your music or your podcast or whatever you’re listening to.
On Person Items
Kyle Thibodeaux: So, like I was saying before, I typically wear the Apple Watch because it does sync with my phone. I do enjoy, for health reasons, being able to kind of track where I am physically – if I’m doing a particular kind of workout to kind of know. It’s not maybe the most accurate sometimes, but having a general idea as to where I am, in terms of what I’m working towards – how many calories I’m burning, things like that, steps that I’m taking. It gives you just kind of a general idea, which is nice to know, and you’re also able to compete with friends and things like that.
So, I do that through the watch, and I wear that pretty often. If I were ever losing a device or wanted to text people or wanted to check my maps, that’s all accessible on the watch as well too. It’s pretty cool.
But, sometimes, it’s not always necessary to wear that device, sometimes it might look a little too casual. And that’s where I like to break out something like this. It looks a little bit more professional, a little bit more appropriate for certain occasions. So, depending on the day and what I’m doing, I’ll switch it up. But, typically, it’s usually the Apple Watch for most casual things that I’m doing.
So, I also carry around my wallet. I forgot to mention that. So, this wallet is actually from Fort Belvedere, It’s really, really cool with the brown exterior and the blue interior. But, it is overfilled and I’m stretching it out because I have a tendency to shove receipts and unnecessary cards that I don’t use for months at a time in the wallet, so it’s getting really, really fat. So, I might need to eventually reinvest in a new wallet. But, I do carry my wallet around with me as well.
It might not always be in my pocket – sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t – but, usually, in my car or in a travel bag or something like that, I usually like to carry some kind of lotion or balm or hand salve. Today, I’m carrying around this Badger Balm. It’s really, really good.
Something like this doesn’t have to necessarily be this one. It’s something that I like to use, especially in colder months, when it’s really dry outside to kind of keep me from looking like an elephant with really dry and scratchy skin to kind of just re-moisturize.
Next, I don’t always wear them, but I usually like to carry them around, which is usually going to be a combination of sunglasses and/or eyeglasses. So, today, I brought my Warby Parkers. My kind of brown tortoiseshell glasses. I didn’t wear them today, but I brought them just in case. I wear them just because, you know, sometimes if things aren’t in focus and you need to see a little bit better, the glasses come in handy.
And sunglasses, which I left in my car, are necessary if it’s really bright outside and you want to block out the sun. I think we all know how sunglasses work. But, sometimes, I wear either just because they work with my outfit and I think that they look cool. But, I do keep them, a pair of something like that, on me on the regular, especially when driving or driving at night, things like that.
All right. So, the next thing I carry around, especially these days, is hand sanitizer. I’ve always kind of been one to wash my hands pretty frequently. But, I guess I’ve been noticing more and more these days that some people seem to be, for whatever reason, adverse to soap and water. So, to further protect myself, I like to just carry around some kind of decently strengthened hand sanitizer.
All right, next thing, I like to carry around: gum or it’s going to be mints. In terms of the brand, it kind of has a toss-up as to whatever I get my hands on. But, today, for example, I have with me my tried and true Ice Breakers. They get the job done. I love that there’s a number of them here.
I like the cool mints or the spearmint flavors myself, so that’s that cool mint today. And I like to have those on me because I don’t think it’s entirely necessary to have everybody be given a complete play-by-play of every single solitary thing you just ate. A little gross. So, to be able to just freshen your breath, I like to have the mints on hand and the gum does the same thing, of course.
But, I also have a tendency to sometimes, like some people, eat out of boredom, and you just start grazing for no reason whatsoever and it’s nice to be able to have something just to chew on to kind of take the feeling of hunger away. And you’ve got something to put in your mouth, chew on, and, you know, you’re not actually eating junk food, which is nice.
Another thing I don’t have with me, but I do carry it usually with me, in my car or like in a travel bag of some kind, is a small nail clipper. You know, I like to make sure that I take care of things like that at home. But, if you ever are in a rush and you, you know, have a little extra time and you’ve noticed you are starting to grow talons like some kind of a dragon from “Game of Thrones” or something, it’s important to take care of that. It’s a little creepy to be having claws on your hands.
So, to be able to take care of that, clean things up so you’re looking good for when you need to meet with someone or go into an interview or what have you. It’s always nice to be able to have something small like that handy.
Alright, last but not least, one of my favorite things that I picked up a few years ago. It’s something picked up from a fragrance store, and I like it because it’s compact. You just twist it and the spray feature comes up and you can spray, and you can actually take the top off of your favorite fragrances and insert the bottom portion onto the bottle itself and just push and get the fragrance of your choice into this travel-size bottle.
It is ready for flights. It’s ready to be thrown into a backpack for the gym, for a briefcase, to have in my car. It’s always, you know, able to be brought with me anywhere and I’ve got, you know, whatever my favorite scent is at that time with me at all times without having to carry around the entire bottle, which is quite nice.
So, that’s it for me. Now, we’re gonna hear from our next and new host, Nathan.
Nathan’s Everyday Carry
Nathan Price: Thanks, Kyle. So, I’m gonna break this down into two different categories. Let’s first start off with what I carry in my pockets every single day.
In-Pocket Items
Nathan Price: First is my phone. It is an iPhone 11. Nothing super fancy. I have this case. I got it off of Amazon. Obviously, like everyone out there, I use my phone for personal reasons – texting, calls, taking photos, listening to music, podcasts, baseball games. But, I wear many hats with Gentleman’s Gazette and so, it’s really useful having a smartphone, being able to contact our customer service team, checking on if items are in stock or out of stock, and just getting an idea of how the business is doing as a whole.
So, next is essential for how I get to work. Obviously, I have to drive to get to my job here with Gentleman’s Gazette, so I have my car keys. These are always in my pocket. I have a fob. I’m kind of a minimalist when it comes to my keys. This obviously powers my car and then I have a key to my house. I really like to keep things as slim and minimal as possible. As to what I’m driving, if you can see this, I drive a Toyota Camry.
Next up are my AirPods. So, these are actually kind of funny. I’ve heard many people lose their AirPods and have lost two or three pairs. This is actually my original pair from 2018. I have not lost a pair of AirPods. And I use them the same way everyone else uses them. I use them to listen to podcasts and music.
They’re also nice – I love the seamless integration with Apple products. I also use them with my work computer here with the Gentleman’s Gazette to place calls. And, overall, I really love just the overall functionality of them. I will say that, since they’re from 2018, the battery life is getting pretty bad. So, I’ll be due for an upgrade soon.
Lastly, as far as what’s in my pockets, is my wallet. Again, you can kind of see a similar theme. I like to keep things as slim and as minimal as possible. This is my wallet. It’s a card holder from Louis Vuitton. It was a gift from my wife a few years back. So, it has some personal meaning. But, I keep things pretty minimal – a couple cards, an ID, Costco membership. But, really, only like five or six items here. Again, I don’t like having a really big wallet.
On Person Items
Nathan Price: So, I changed things up. Now, what’s on the table is sort of some things that are around me or are carried in maybe my bag or in my car or I wear on my person. First up is my wedding ring. It is in rose gold. Out of all the items that I carry and I have with me, this is the most special and the most meaningful.
I don’t like a lot of the trends with modern rings with giant, big, bulky plastic rings or tungsten rings. I prefer stuff that’s classic, so it’s just a simple round comfort fit ring and my wife picked it out, which makes it even more special.
Next up is no surprise. As you guys know, I am a big fan of watches. I do videos on watches on our channel. This is my daily driver. This is my Omega Speedmaster. It is almost always on my wrist. Because it doesn’t have the best waterproof rating, I don’t wear it in the shower or if I go to the pool, I have other watches for that. But, most days, this lives on either its bracelet or, in the wintertime, I’ll put on a leather strap.
I really love the Speedmaster because of the heritage with the NASA Moon Landings and there’s a special connection with my dad, who’s an aerospace engineer. So, every time I look down at my watch, it reminds me of my dad and all the cool things that he taught me growing up about aviation history, military aviation history, NASA, and all those great things that are positive memories from my childhood.
Next up is a pocket knife. Now, I don’t always carry one of these in my pocket, sometimes it’s in my bag, sometimes it’s in the car, sometimes it’s in my desk drawer. The reality is I open a lot of packages, not only in my personal life, but here at Gentleman’s Gazette. Whether it’s samples of things that we’re working on or customer returns, so having something that I can very quickly and easily open up a package, not having to dig for keys or dig for a pair of scissors, is a really handy thing to have.
Next up is my notebook and pen. So, one thing that’s sort of a theme with my wife and I is we really try to make it a point to celebrate special moments. So, this was kind of a dual gift, not only for the birth of my son, but also when I took my job here at the Gentleman’s Gazette. I take a lot of notes. Raphael has many ideas and many things that he wants to do. So, this is actually getting pretty full even though I’ve only been with Gentleman’s Gazette for about six months.
Now, it’s a La Compagnie Du Kraft notebook. They’re made in France. It’s super cool because there’s actually a patch in here, which has the name of the person who put everything together, which is super cool.
The pen that I usually write with and I have on my desk. It’s a Mont Blanc. It’s a — I believe it’s a ballpoint pen. It’s engraved with my initials. My wife had that done and, again, something that I use every single day. It helps me with work. I take notes in here for personal life things as well, and it’s also great because it’s a sentimental gift to mark not only the birth of my son, but also taking a new job.
Next up is my religious chain or necklace. It’s a cross. It’s by the designer David Yurman. This was a gift from my wife as well. I believe right around the time that we got married. I wear it. It’s always on whether or not you see me in videos. No matter what I’m wearing, I’m always wearing it. It just reminds me of what I believe in and, as a religious person, it’s very special to me.
Last but not least is a water bottle. I always have one of these. Sometimes they travel back and forth from work with me. Sometimes I’ll leave them here at the office. But, I always have a water bottle. It’s important to stay hydrated. Especially now that I’m doing videos, it’s important to be drinking water while, you know, filming in between cuts. So, I always have this.
So, those were my selections for what I carry in my pockets and on my person. Now, I’ll throw it back to Raphael to wrap up the video.
Sven Raphael Schneider: All right, that wraps things up for today. Were you surprised about what we do or do not carry in our EDC? What do you carry? Just let us know in the comments and maybe there’s something in there that actually will make it into ours.