It is always rewarding to hear from readers who say that The Black Tie Guide has been instrumental in assembling their proper formal outfit. Even more satisfying is seeing pictures of the final results. I want to start sharing some of these real-life stories as an inspiration to others. They are irrefutable proof that a man does not require professional stylists or unlimited income to successfully execute black tie. All he needs is the commitment to learn – and follow – the basic rules.

For the premiere installment, I am delighted to present an anonymous reader from Vancouver who used the Guide as a shopping list for his impeccable ensemble. The tuxedo is tailored from John Cooper worsted with grosgrain lapels, the shirt is Marcella and the faille bow tie looks great. The classically styled waistcoat is also custom tailored based on a description and illustration from the Guide.
Thanks to the poster for this picture. Outstanding looking ensemble! My one criticism is of the shoes–they could use an upgrade. Overall, though, superb effort!
So can anyone send you pictures and the story (in which case -where to)?
My brother is an amateur photographer so I had him snap a couple of shots of me when I got mu dinner suit. Some of them turned out pretty good too.
I can be reached at peter_at_blacktieguide_dot_com. I look forward to hearing from you!
Nothing but strong approval of this dinner jacket here!
I’m a little late to the party, but I’m also vegetarian and I’ve been considering a pair of those shoes for a little while. Are they a worthwhile purchase?
All in all, a very nicely executed ensemble.
Even later to the reply, but in case you’re following along – they’re decent enough shoes for the price you pay, and you honestly don’t have any better options unless you give up the fight and go leather. (I’ve yet to give up the fight for shoes, but sometimes I do for hats; I try and buy vintage/second hand so I can tell myself at least that one was dead already anyway). They’re solid, made-in-England Oxfords, not much verve, but they hold together and they take a shine. I think they look a bit bad in these pictures because you can see the colour of the sole at the toes; it looks like the side of the soles is just painted black, and that’s worn away somewhat over time. Would probably be easy to fix with a bit of black paint, or a marker in a pinch.
Anyway, yeah, they’re fine, and a decent deal for the price. But they’re not in the same league as the high-end designer/bespoke shoes you’ll find people at SF etc going nuts about, and I’ve never found a vegetarian shoe that is, so if you want something real nice, you’re stuck with dead animals.
Since acquiring it, where and when do you find occasions to wear your tuxedo in Vancouver? I am in the midst of assembling my ensemble for my wedding, and afterward my fiancรฉe, and I want to find every opportunity possible to attend formal events. We would prefer to find some with reasonable ticket prices, as most I’ve come across are charitable balls requiring hefty contributions. When we are able, we will start attending these, but that will likely be some years.
For any other Vancouver readers, I would like to point out that the city has several vintage clothing stores with fairly good selections of dinner suits. Cummerbunds are easily found, but waistcoats are a different story. I purchased my waistcoat from an online vintage site. Stores to check out are
Deluxe Junk on Cordova, near Abbot.
Lines on Main, just north of 22nd.
Woo Vintage on Main, near 28th.
There are a couple of others but the names escape me at the moment. Things that are difficult to track down in this city, either vintage or new, are bow ties (as mentioned above – and ,yes ,even Harry Rosen’s offering is disappointing; I tried it on two days ago), vests/waistcoats, formal shirts, and shoes. Harry Rosen does carry some beautiful Ferragamo patent oxfords and opera pumps, coming in at a paltry $800. They were, however, a lot of fun to try on. It was the first time I’d put the whole outfit together since buying my dinner suit (vintage from Lines), albeit using an, old, ordinary white shirt as a stand in until I can get my hands on the marcella shirt I’m after.