Although there are many people in the US who hunt, most would never dream of actually dressing up for shooting. Not so in the UK! Shooting attire is designed to keep the wearer warm even while standing, whereas hunting dress can be a little lighter. Today, we want to present a video that explains how to dress for shooting the traditional English way.
Cordings of Piccadilly
There is likely no better place in Britain to show how to dress for daytime shooting than Cordings of Piccadilly. Although Cordings is famous for the covert coat, they also provide a full array of English country clothes.
As always with cold weather clothing, layering is allimportant. First, let’s start at the bottom with over-the-calf socks that are held in place with garters. Next, one needs shooting breeks. While they are similar to plus fours with regards to length, they have less fullness and excess cloth at the bottom hem. The bottom seam of the breeks is very important because it has to work with the sock in order to make the combination weatherproof.
Jacket with Double Shooting Pleats Saxony Tweed Shooting Jacket
The shirt is usually a darker tattersall pattern that is loosely cut to prevent restricting movement. To ensure the breeks stay up, one should use some nice suspenders / braces.
During August and September, a shooting waistcoat should be enough. This garment usually comes with suede shoulder pads to prevent the cloth in that area from wearing out too quickly. Also, it features huge pockets in which to carry the game.
During the colder months of the year, a sleeveless wool waistcoat is the second layer of choice. It is important not to use a cardigan because it would create restricting, unneccessary bulk around the arms.
Surprisingly, in the video, Noll Uloth of Cordings does not recommend a jacket with shooting pleats in the back, although I find them infinitely more suitable for shooting because they provide the wearer with more room for movement. Ideally, these jackets are sturdy and made of thorn proof or hard wearing saxony tweed. Maurice Sedwell even added two pleats to his shooting jacket on the right, which should enhance the freedom of arm movement even further.
To keep one’s feet dry and protected, rubber boots with grip – here wellies from Hunter – are an essential items.
Thank your for sharing. Great jacket btw.
I wonder: Isn’t it “breeches” instead of “breeks”?
Thanks Mike. Breeks is just another Scottish / northern English term for breeches. I use them interchangeably.
check out my quail hunt last week in Kentucky
Thanks for sharing Mark, I will have to go through your picasa album later.