You may wonder how I can tell you what women want? Well, unlike Donald Trump, I know it all! Just kidding! In fact, I talked to a bunch of educated successful women, and the final list was compiled by my wife and business partner so it’s all from the perspective of a woman.
Don’t be surprised that sweatpants and sports jerseys didn’t make the list because women like men to wear clothes that make them proud to stand by you. Also, make sure to check out our guide on 10 Things Men Wear Women Hate…
General Style Guidelines To Pay Attention To
Take Pride In Your Outward Appearance
Caring about how you look is very important if you want to make a good first impression. We all subconsciously judge and so do women. As a gentleman, you want to look stylish, appropriately dressed, and overall, just well put together. As such, if you go to a play at a nice theater and the woman is all dressed up, you don’t want to go in jeans but you want to wear something appropriate.
Dress Up
Super casual styles are rarely going to impress women. Of course, this is a general statement and I’m sure you’ll always find the exception but based on our research, this is what we found. Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to wear a three-piece suit or a tuxedo whenever you go out in the evening. At the same time, a collared shirt will always provide you with a more polished look rather than let’s say, a t-shirt.

Embrace Colors & Patterns
You can stand out from the sea of black and gray and charcoal suits or jackets and add a dash of color. That can be in the form of a pocket square, maybe a tie, or maybe even a boutonniere, don’t go overboard. One piece will help and less is definitely more. That being said, I get constantly complimented by women when I wear boutonnieres.
Ideally, you don’t want something that’s super large such as a pink-red carnation, instead, go with something like a light blue delphinium that is small and subtle in color because it shows that you care without being too ostentatious and flashy.
If you believe that you can’t pull off a lapel flower, think about it twice, no matter your age, I’ve talked to men all over the place and as soon as they put a little lapel flower on, no matter what the rest of the outfit looks, it helps to attract women immediately.

Wear Clothes That Fit Well
That means you shouldn’t have super large armholes, excessive fabric in the chest, or super large pants. If you’re in your 40s, 50s, or 60s, that may be a problem because the outfit you had in the 90s was super baggy, so it helps to trim it down.
If you’re in your 20s and 30s, chances are everything is trimmer already. Just make sure it’s not overly tight and it looks neat.
Do Not Always Wear The Same Thing
I know it’s easy, you don’t have to think about it, putting on that same polo shirt day in and day out; it’s not a uniform and dressing can be a way of expressing yourself in an interesting way. If you don’t have a huge wardrobe, that’s no problem.
Look into a capsule wardrobe and just use a few pieces such as accessories to create a different look anytime. That shows women that you take pride in your appearance and that you take care of yourself.

Know What Looks Good On You
If you’re a bigger guy, wearing super skinny lapels and super tight pants are not going to flatter you. For example, I have a big bum and big thighs so I can’t wear skinny pants because it looks bad on me. If you have an oval face, don’t wear very pointed collars because otherwise, you look like a conehead. Rather get something that’s a little more spread.
On the other hand, if you have a round face, go with a more pointed collar, otherwise, the collar will accentuate the size of your face. The good thing about well-fitting clothes is that they hide your imperfections and highlight the things that look good about you.

Dress Like Yourself
By that, I mean you always have to be comfortable in the clothes you wear because if you’re not, it shows. You won’t have the same confidence, you will look more slouchy, and just the way you present and talk will also be impacted by what you wear and such, it’s important that you know your style and stick with it and that you’re not necessarily always impacted by the latest trends.
That being said, if you’re a casual guy, it always pays to take things a notch up because it shows that you care and women will notice.
10 Items Of Clothing Women Love

Real Leather Shoes
By that, I mean leather shoes, not cheap ones that are glued but Goodyear welted or blake rapid stitched, maybe in a classic style with a high-quality leather because it will upgrade any outfit. If you wear boots, that’s okay.
You can find nice boots but always try to find shoes and boots that are the upper end of the spectrum that you can afford because it will always reflect well on you. If you wear a belt, make sure that the color matches the shoes otherwise, it looks very immature.

Collared Dress Shirts
It should be nicely pressed. You can go with lighter colors, maybe a slight pattern, and it doesn’t matter if you wear a jacket or not; just having a dress shirt will always help to make a favorable impression on women. That being said, make sure it fits properly and not like a potato sack. You don’t want any excess fabric but it shouldn’t be too tight so you have X wrinkles in the front.

Fitted Sweaters
If you have a nice v-shape, a trim sweater just helps you to accentuate that and make your shoulders look broad which is very attractive. It’s just like a well fitting dress on a woman, it just highlights the benefits of the figure and it’s just pretty attractive.

Stand Out Suits
Just having your regular black or charcoal suit won’t cut it anymore. Yes, it’s true, having those basics in the wardrobe are great for business but maybe opt for a sort of pattern like a pinpoint, maybe a houndstooth, or a herringbone, because when you go out, you can do things that are a little more fun such as for a cocktail party. Today, every successful man has a suit and so having something a little more unique helps you stand out from the crowd.
If you don’t have the money to invest in a new suit right now, I suggest upgrading your old one wearing a pocket square. If you’ve never had a pocket square, get a solid white linen one maybe with your monogram. Once you have a white pocket square, I suggest going with something more colorful. A matching set of tie and pocket square is a no go if you are a stylish man who wants to attract women, at the same time, it just costs a fraction of a new suit so it’s a wonderful investment.

Casual Jackets

It doesn’t always have to be a suit jacket or a blazer but instead, maybe a Harrington jacket, or a suede leather jacket, or a linen Safari jacket. These are just things that you can wear when you go out for a walk or pick up groceries but they just make you look dapper without being overdressed. At the same time, these kinds of casual jackets help you to transition between the seasons very easily.

Modern Glasses
If you still wear those very thin titanium frames from the 90s, they are so outdated. Go with a classic frame maybe something bolder but a nice shape that is modernized and today, you can find where you can find things for a hundred bucks or you find other makers; it doesn’t cost a fortune anymore to get a nice well fitting pair of glasses.
Be daring, be bold, and you will get noticed for sure. Rather than with a color, try to impress with a frame. Maybe the size and the styling of course; the same is true for sunglasses.

Layers & Combinations
Most women really like to dress and they try to combine patterns and they have different layers. If you, as a man, add maybe a cardigan or a sweater underneath a jacket or just on top of a dress shirt, it just adds an interesting element, it shows that you care and it makes you more like them and therefore, more attractive.
Subtle Colognes
Yes, you can use deodorant and that’s okay, but having some cologne makes it interesting, especially if it’s kind of your character scent because they can immediately tell if you’re around by just walking past you.

At the same time, you don’t want to be that guy who uses a lot of axe or a really strong aftershave that can be smelled from yards away because people will avoid you, they will talk bad about you behind your back but they will never tell you directly to your face and so you may be ousted from social events, simply because your cologne smells cheap or it’s too strong. Smell, in general, is a very powerful sense and it can really make or break the entire experience someone has when they get to know you for the first time.
Leather Bags
Nothing makes you look like a schoolboy more than wearing a backpack. As a grown man, instead, invest in a nice leather bag, or maybe a satchel, something that suits your style. Maybe something with linen, if you’re a little more casual. Overall, having a bag when you travel, or go to work, really upgrades your outfit and make you look more mature.

Something That She Picked Out For You
If you’re a relationship and you watch this channel, chances are, you’re not the kind of person that is dressed by their partner. At the same time, if you know something that she likes and you wear it maybe on a date night out, it makes her feel special because you thought about her and it just helps to create a really nice experience for both of you.

For example, my wife really likes the double-breasted rope striped suit from Ralph Lauren which was the first expensive suit that I was able to afford. Whenever I wear this suit, it brings back memories of the early days of our relationship and it’s just a very fond feeling and that’s something that you can do with clothes too. I guarantee you if you were her favorite thing, it’ll be a great day.
Outfit Rundown
Dark brown and gray are not a combination you see a lot at the same time it’s warmer than maybe a navy blue with gray because it’s fall and that’s why I chose this outfit. For my tie, I went with a contrasting bolder pattern in subtle colors; it’s a houndstooth tie made of bourette silk. I designed it myself and you can find it in three different lengths. So no matter if you’re short, regular, or tall, you’ll find a tie that works for you. The pocket square is made of silk and wool and it picks up the color of the tie.

The suit jacket is from A Caraceni in Milan and it’s vintage. It has wider lapels that are bolder and they’re not necessarily very fashionable at the moment but they are timeless and they always work and they suit my style. It’s kind of my signature if you will. My dress shirt is quite simple with French cuffs from Siniscalchi. I am wearing it with a pair of silver and carnelian cufflinks which are red and they pick up the color of my tie. It’s matched by a ring that is also sterling silver with a carnelian. I’m also wearing a boutonniere which is this little lapel flower and I do this because it’s probably the item that I’m most complimented on when I’m out and about by women. The socks are shadow stripes socks in grey with turquoise and they work well with the pants. At the same time, they contrast my burgundy Derby shoes in a longer more elegant last. I think they’re from cobbler Union. If you want to take your outfits a notch up or two, please check out our accessories in our Fort Belvedere shop which I designed myself.
What other items of clothing do you think make you more attractive? Feel free to share your thoughts!
I almost always carry an ironed white handkerchief, even on casual occasions. It’s usually not visible, but always available when a lady needs a clean cloth for any purpose.
You are truly a gentleman. I am adding this tip to my daily wardrobe. Thank you.
A crisp, white shirt with braces (some might call them suspenders, but I don’t like metal clamps).
yep braces get more compliments than anything else.even from complete strangers I’m walking past.But not those thin clip on ones at any price. Always button fit with leather “rabbit ears”. If you are really stuck you can cheat by using clamp buttons rather than sewn on buttons
I agree, no metal clamps. I always wear braces when wearing a suit. People my not comment directly but when you notice others are improving the way they dress around you they don’t have to.
Recently I have received numerable compliments for my hats, particularly my daily wear brown rabbit fur fedora.
Yesterday I was also complemented for wearing a tie. She lamented she did not know any men who knew how to tie a tie. She was impressed it was not a clip on either.
Thanks for sharing. Think about that, the bar is so low now that you get compliments for wearing a tie. Next thing you know, people will compliment you on not wearing flip-flops or breathing air ;)
I might add, don’t upstage her.
And, unrelated, but the photo of the slim fit suit and pants is, forgive me, a terrible fit in every way. The jacket might be au courant, however it’s too short on him, too tight (which you mentioned as a problem just above the photo, and is quite different from a properly fitting trim cut), and the pants are too tight in the leg, too baggy/poorly-fitting through the hips and crotch, and worn too low so that all of the above looks even worse. (They might possibly look better if he wore them where they were cut to be worn, and the cuffs were then “high water” like Thom Brown likes.) I realize that many of my 20-something friends and students really like the baggy hip/low crotch/tight leg look, but IMHO it’s best done in track pants.
Always good reading! I believe the best advice you’ve provided here Sven, is that one should always feel comfortable in one’s clothes. Having a wardrobe that fits properly, is of great quality, and appropriate for the occasion, is the best way to upscale your look, while remaining comfortable.
Very true, without that confidence and inner comfort the look will never be perfect.
They like cash and checkbooks and credit cards on their men.
Maybe you met the wrong ones ;)
If your budget dictates that you have to choose between a well made pair of shoes (read Real Leather Shoes again), buy the very best shoe you can, at the best price. A well-made, shined and maintained pair of shoes will make a lesser quality suit look much better than the reverse.
Women notice women’s shoes. It is a trait that women like shoes. What better way to impress or please a woman than nice, leather, polished shoes?
Dear Raphael
A really good trench coat , the one I have has a button in collar . The women I know and meet really like it .
Occassionly there is the Inspector Gadject comment from badly dressed imbecile men.
Mark, I find that such negative comments when you are stylishly dressed tend to come out of envy and male competitiveness.
Interesting article.
Full disclosure, I am a 20-something female who is a long-time reader, so my opinions are already skewed from that of the general populace.
That out of the way, I agree with this entire list. Some I find myself nodding to more than others, but the ones that stick out to me the most are the tips on sweaters and using accessories to make your suit stand out from the crowd.
I love a well fitted, quality sweater. And an interesting, uncommon accessory is makes a bold statement. It wasnโt mentioned, but I also consider a visible fountain pen just as interesting as a boutonniรจre, if you use them. I once was able to break the ice with a man who had a pen in his pocket and Iโve never been able to stop thinking about how wonderful it was to talk to a fellow pen lover.
One just hopes that the “visible” foutain pen would not be sharing space with the poket square…
I live in a west Texas town where a nice dress shirt and a pair of slacks brings out [ what are you all dressed up for. ] one of the most important thing is personal grooming. clean combed hair clean trimmed nails. i have people in awe because i tie my own bow ties.
Yeah. I live in Fort Worth. Wearing a tie and suit used to get comments like that. But after time, I noticed the men around me started to up their game. Class can be contagious I always say.
Went to a welcome-back reception this morning for a highranking female executive. As we were talking she complemented me on my shoes (dress black captoe oxfords).
Thanks Raphael!
Hi Raphael,
You’ve mentioned the safari jacket several times in your recent videos/ guides. Since spring/ summer is approaching, may I suggest that you do a guide on this garment, talking about the history, fabric, colour, pocket positioning, and, above all, how to combine it and look stylish and dapper?
I agree with all of what has been printed here. A word about scents: I have always been complimented on how good I smell so here are my tips. Always be freshly showered (at least once a day but more than once if necessary) but avoid scented soaps if you will be using a fragrance afterwards as the scents may clash. Since aftershaves and colognes interact with your own chemistry the same product may smell differently on different people. There are companies that can help you create your own unique fragrance but a less expensive alternative is to combine two complimentary fragrances such as a citrusy or vanilla scent (both of which many women like) with a more intense fragrance such a musk. Most imporantly, have a woman whose opinion you value and trust tell you how you smell beginning at least several minutes after applying your fragrance, and try only one application each day until you find the fragrance you both love. Good luck!
Once again, well said sir, spot on, indeed. The snipe at President Trump, umm, better if you referenced Mel Gibson’s film, “What Women Want” more appropriate for the article. I, often, wear waistcoats/vests with suits and as outer wear and receive compliments by both ladies and men.
My wife just read this list and agreed with most of it. But she made the comment that I think needs to be in there. She likes it when I dress stylishly but to the occasion. If weโre on a movie night date and I wear a suit that she really loves, sheโll still tell me to go change. Then I come back in chinos and a blazer and itโs a much better reaction.
A good solid list.
I do disagree with Fitted Sweaters, Modern Glasses and Subtle Colognes–nothing says “trying too hard” more than those three categories. (Alas, hipsters have tainted them all.)
However, I am right with you on Real Leather Shoes, Collared Dress Shirts and Leather Bags. They do separate the serious investors from those who are merely dabbling.
Not only quality shoes (including spectators apropos to the outfit and situation) but high quality socks as offered by Ft Belvedere. I always get compliments!